Monday, September 24, 2007


I've been so busy packing and cleaning in order to move. What a job.. I've been in my apartment for 11 years. Boy the junk one accumulates. My landlord wanted me to move downstairs so he could renovate my apartment. I could later move back upstairs but in the meantime he is putting the building on the market to sell plus he plan to jack up the rent. So Sue and I are moving in with Joleene and Jason for the winter. In the spring we will look for a place closer to them. We're trying to get everything done by Sunday. Hopefully we can get it done. I don't want to pay anymore money if I can't help it.

I took some pictures of our little guy. He is growing up so fast. He's getting ready to crawl. He wants to be in constant motion. We had his 6 months pictures taken yesterday at Kiddie Kandids. They did an awesome job. They were ready in 10 minutes after they took his pictures. You have to watch for their sales. We got a good deal on them. Joleene will be posting them soon.


Linda said...

good luck with the packing and moving. Moving is no picnic! Well at least you'll be with Jo for the winter and you can see Ben every day! :)

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

i have to agree with linda, it will all be worth it to see that precious baby boy everyday! hopefully you can get all your packing done and everything moved. i couldn't imagine moving again! i hope you can find something close to them in the spring too. :)

Proud Grandparents said...

Hard to believe that Ben is getting ready to crawl. They grow up way to fast, I think grandkids grow even faster than your own kids.