Saturday, September 8, 2007

Eight interesting Facts

Stacy tagged me and I guess I will try to think of 8 interesting facts about myself.

1. When I was a teenager I got pulled over on Riverside Drive for speeding. I was driving in a 25 mile zone. The officer stopped me and let me go. Later that some night my brother Raymond got stopped in the same area, He got a ticket. Boy was he mad!

2. Joleene and I both graduated the same year. I graduated from college in 1995. Joleene graduated from high school in 1995.

3. When I was 12 I got mad at the one of my older brothers, Roland. He keep teasing me and I threw an apple at him. He ducked and the apple went through the window. I was scare that I would get in trouble with my Mom. She was in town grocery shopping. I hid behind the workshop all day untial she came home and my brothers found me.

4. I was 2 1/2- 3 my Mom had my younger brother Raymond. Being two I was a little jealous of my brother. In these days I only spoke French. I then told my Mom in French that if my brother could (ca ca) poop his pants then I could (ca ca) my pants too.

5. English is my second language. I only spoke French when I was little. I started learning English just before I went to kindergarten.

6. I use to be a tomboy. I loved climbing trees and playing outside in the woods. Once day I fell out of a tree onto a corrugated roof of our wood shed. I cut the back of my thigh. In those days you didn't go to the doctors or hospital unless it was an emergency. I have a large scar that should have had stitches.

7. I was very, very shy as a child, especially at school. The teachers would mispronouce my name and I would never correct them. My name is Joan but it is spell differently. So instead of calling me Joanne (Joan) they always called my (Joan) like Joan of Ark.

8. Carmen is my middle name. My Mom named me after my godmother, Aunt Carmen. She was a sweet little short french lady. My Mom would go into town on Saturdays with my Uncle Vital. My Mom would spend the day at my AUnt Carmen after she did her errands.


Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

yeah, you did it. you did a great job too! i found those very interesting! hope you have a great week!

Proud Grandparents said...

I remember the riverside dr thing except I thought it was with Uncle Gerry. I didn't remember your middle name. I also remember that most people did not dare cross or talk back to Meme'. I think of her often and miss her.
Stacy also tagged me, I'm suppose I will get my homework done soon:).

Linda said...

WOW!! Some of those are SO funny!! You really threw a apple at my dad! Too funny!!

Joleene said...

Good job, Mom! I guess I need to get mine done soon too!