Monday, October 15, 2007

Funny Ben

Ben is growing up so fast. It's hard to believe he's 6 months. He now has two teeth. When he laughs we can see his little teeth. They aren't all the way up yet but are getting there. He's such a good natured baby. I love being able to spend time with my little man. Yesterday I was sitting on the couch with Ben. He was playing with his feet. His feet finally made it to his mouth. so our little guy was sucking on his toes. It was so cute. I had to call everyone down to see Ben sucking on his toes. What a little character. So of course we got the camera and video camera out. He was so adorable.

He loves his vegetables but he's not able to eat fruit yet as he breaks out after he eats them. We think it's the acid in the fruits that is making him break out. So far he eats everything we give him. He usually makes a face when he frost tries it but ends up eating the whole container of baby food.

I wanted to share some pictures that we took of Ben this week. Enjoy! I do so enjoyed reading everyone blog.


Linda said...

What a little ham!! :)

Proud Grandparents said...

So cute! He is one handsome little man!

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

he is sooooo cute and getting so big! i'm glad you are enjoying the time with ben, i'm sure he loves seeing his grammy all the time too!

J & S Bernard + One said...

looks like he does not have a problem entertaining himself-very cute

Auntie of four plus one! said...

He's so cute and funny! He sure has grown up since I last saw him!